Tuesday, 24 August 2010

I don't even know.

Recently my obsession with failblogs has been reigned in, in an attempt to regain some semblance of an ungeeky life...however, my recent discovery of regretsy may well have blow that out of the water...

I've always been a fan of etsy (as much as someone who resents paying transatlantic shipping fees can be) but regretsy has really opened my eyes for the spectacular amount of...well, I don't even know, on the website.

This is my own personal favourite. So far at least.

If you would like to purchase your very own fish in a squirrel suit, check it out here.

I really hope this inspires and entire series of fish wearing animal suits...

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Cummon real world..

Tomorrow is a big day. Not one but two job interviews- my first as a Real Human Being (post-uni).

I feel like Bambi taking his first steps.

Only, imagine that Bambi had actually taken many steps previously- several of them actually successful, gaining footholds- or in my case; internships.

The problem being that Bambi's previous attempts had all been somewhat lubricated with the confidence gained from the knowledge that student loan would cushion any blow. Any massive faux pas; inexplicably sobbing or uncontrollably swearing- both of which I am sure I have an as of yet latent predisposition for- would be laughed off during the customary celebration/commiseration beverages that night.

This time Bambi is kinda freaking out about paying rent and moving out of his parents house before he hits 30, and how he hasn't been out dancing in suuch a long time...

Not only all this, but Bambi has been rotting his brain with Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls! Poor Bambi's brain wasn't up to much crack before!

Bambi's (sort of) first steps suddenly seem a lot more daunting...

OK, Bambi clearly has nothing to do with this. I'm just...well...

I am nervous.

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Willful Neglect

Ohhh, I've let my blog go on unconsidered, unattended and unloved for 3 whole months! You see, the past 3 months I have been far too concerned with finishing uni alive (nevermind with a passable grade), celebrating finishing uni (with a passable grade), relaxing in a post-project-malaise, panicking about my quite possibly useless degree, sulking about my quite possibly useless degree and finally mentally and emotionally regressing to a 5yr olds level...

However, my current status of being unencumbered from the chains of regular employment and erm a regular wage has left me with an abundance of free time. As mentioned, so far I have been occupying my waking hours with a 30/40/30 split of xbox/obscure films/eating. This is clearly not including the hours of drudging through jobs- but thats a horse of a different colour.

So in order to coax myself out of my tragic and geeky malaise I am going to attempt regular entries to my blog. Emphasis on attempt- I cannot be blamed if I am suddenly taken ill (most likely in relation to my industrious consumption of cheese in the past few months).
In other news, it has been a while since I lost the tag line of 'fashion promotion sketchblog' from the blog and since I am no longer a fashion promotion student it's about time for a genre reshuffle. From now on, this blog will genuinely be of no use to anyone. Not even myself- although my penchant for failblogs might constitute writing my own blog as some kind of therapy? No, from now on my blog will be a platform for me to exercise my self-indulgent and puerile writing style- perhaps peppered with images or videos from which I can launch my digital vociferation.

Or at least it might be, if the fucking internet connection can keep it together.